We help the entrepreneur choose the best idea for his food project through a developed program prepared according to scientific standards to choose the best and most appropriate ideas presented and their competitive advantages based on the highest evaluation among them that is consistent with the capabilities, orientations and ambitions of the entrepreneur.
1150 SAR - Remote
Market analysis is very important for a new project, and it must be done periodically at least every 6 months, to know your position among your competitors, and analyze the segments you target to find a foothold in the market, and establish yourself in it, and develop your products according to the developments of competitors and the changing desires and interests of customers, and keep up with the new. This is done through:
4025 SAR - Remote
The operational plan scientifically saves 4 times less effort and time when implementing than if it did not exist, which also means saving money. It is an ongoing process that does not stop in the facility. It is set at most annually for the entire project and is followed up continuously, whether to establish a new project or to develop an existing project. It includes the following elements:
Balance Score Cards (BSC): One of the best modern methods of planning, the gist of which is that there should be at least one goal in each of the following areas:
1- Financial results
2- Customer satisfaction
3- Internal operations
4- Education and growth
- Key Indicators KPI'S:
In short, we set (4-10) measurable indicators for each of the previous balanced scorecard objectives so that we can know when it has been achieved and where we are in achieving it.
- Means and tables:
It contains a set of steps formulated in a SMART manner that lead to achieving each of the previous goals.
According to scientific standards, it includes the following foundations:
4025 SAR - Remote
This service is extremely important to avoid any legal violations that the project may fall into due to lack of knowledge of the jurisprudence of commercial transactions that the project undertakes, which may lead to usury and may lose blessings and success for this reason. It is also important to avoid any fines that may be imposed on the project due to a lack of official licenses or an error in the official requirements, so that the project is regular and meets all official requirements from a legal perspective. This service includes the following matters:
2300 riyals - remotely
A service that enables the client to know the extent to which his food project conforms to local and international official standards and measures, and to know the strengths and weaknesses, and recommendations for treating them, by conducting a comprehensive analysis, study, and survey of all the project’s departments and sections, the most important of which are:
Through a workshop to train the relevant staff in project management on:
Our valued customers' opinions