Operations and production organization services

Operations and Production Management Services and Solutions

This item is the most important element in the project. Without a menu, the project with all its details, no matter how wonderful, is worthless and will not work. If the menu is not of a good standard and is not engineered according to standards, the project will remain stumbling. Therefore, this item must be taken seriously and this element, which is the soul of the project, must be generously treated. Without it, the project is dead. The danger lies in the fact that many projects stumble and lose, thinking that the menu is just a collection of items that only the chef has mastered, and they do not know that it is a science with international standards that consists of the following main stages:

  1. Screening items according to their economic feasibility according to the internationally known list engineering schedule for existing projects.
  2. Choosing the type of menu items appropriate for the project idea from the globally known types.
  3. Adopting items that are appropriate to the type of menu that has been selected and according to its own criteria.
  4. Documenting prescriptions electronically:

- In quantities

- And the method of preparation

- And the secret mixtures

- And calories

- The caffeine percentages for drinks are determined by the municipality.

- Allergens

- Validity, storage, packaging and presentation methods.

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Calorie and Caffeine Calculation:

  • It is done according to the requirements and directives of the Food and Drug Authority, and municipal requirements, and also includes allergens for each type, and each prescription is sealed with the official seal for legal matters.
  • An official pledge is also given to the client to guarantee the confidentiality of his qualities and not to disclose them.

57.5 SAR/recipe

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Production line design:

  1. By establishing an operational system (SOP), which includes all production processes from the warehouse’s receipt of raw materials, through the preparation and processing processes... until the product is released in its final form and displayed in sales outlets.
  2. This system enables us to list all the necessary operations, devices, equipment and personnel.
  3. As well as knowing the production capacity of the project.
  4. The quality control and food safety system includes compliance with the requirements of Ijada, the municipality, and the global HACCP system, which is one of the most important systems in the project, and eliminates any violations or fines that may occur due to lack of knowledge of its details.
  5. This operating system is the backbone of the project, the second most important operational element after the menu engineering, and the basic element for converting the project to a franchise system if desired, so do not hesitate to request assistance to put it in the appropriate form.
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Evaluation and development of quality and food safety:

This service is of utmost importance and is one of the pillars of the project’s success. Errors in it cause catastrophic damage, violations, fines, and official penalties, and affect reputation... It is done through:


  1. Conducting a full inspection, survey and evaluation of all facility facilities, according to checklist schedules and regulations, in compliance with the requirements and standards of Ijada, the municipality and the global HACCP system, to ensure the facility’s compliance.
  2. Submit results report to project management.
  3. Taking corrective actions according to the results by preparing a special system suitable for the facility to monitor quality and food safety.
  4. Training the concerned staff on it.
  5. Support and follow-up for 3 months to ensure that the facility is able to use the system in the correct and effective manner.

(Compliance check can be requested separately)

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Organizing logistics services:


  1. Inspection and evaluation is carried out through checklists, for means of transportation and delivery, employee housing, cleanliness of all facilities, public safety and civil defense means, and periodic maintenance... in the project, to ensure that they comply with official requirements.
  2. Submit a report of findings and recommendations to project management.
  3. Take corrective actions according to the results.
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Establish a complete management of operations and production processes:

Through a workshop to train the relevant staff in project management on:

  1. Menu engineering & planning
  2. Documenting approved recipes with ingredients, preparation methods, calories, caffeine levels, allergens, cost, pricing, packaging and presentation methods, and training staff on them
  3. Introducing the hospitality, service and sales staff to the components and details of the menus Products knowledge
  4. Cost control.
  5. Design of production line with equipment, people, quality control systems, food safety, hygiene and sterilization.
  6. Organizing logistics services: transportation and delivery, staff housing, maintenance, safety requirements and civil defense...
  7. Setting quality and service standards, training staff on them, and continuously raising their level in this regard.
  8. A mechanism for evaluating and analyzing the management’s periodic performance and developing development plans and risk management based on it.
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The comprehensive guide to food and beverage sector suppliers and service providers in the Kingdom

Platforms for clean production processes that contribute to sustainability, recycling, preserving wealth, supporting local products, zero waste, and production processes that preserve human rights

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Ghina Abdullah Bin Fadlallah Al-Anzi Establishment for Business Services
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Riyadh - Umm Al Hamam West - Al Lisn Valley Complex

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